Graduate Association of Physicists
We represent the graduate student body of the School of Physics at Georgia Tech. Here to help students thrive in grad school and build solid career foundations.
We represent the graduate student body of the School of Physics at Georgia Tech. Here to help students thrive in grad school and build solid career foundations.
The Graduate Association of Physicists (GAP) is a graduate student organization in the Georgia Tech School of Physics that aims to provide career development opportunities to physics PhD students, particularly those expecting to leave academia after graduating. Our plans include bringing in speakers who earned PhDs in physics and ended up outside of academia, organizing physics community outreach events, and more.
A brief introduction to our GAP executive board, chairs, and advisor! If you want to get involved in a leadership role, reach out to us via email.
We have had elections for the upcoming year, and I want to congratulate Noel Dudeck (President), Van Butcher (VP), and Marc Guasch (Secretary/Treasurer)! The new executive board will begin their term on July 1, 2024. Until then, we are stuck with Adam 🙂 – Sarah, ’23/24 Mentoring Chair