GAP Career event – Dr. Matthew conrad
GAP continued its series of career events, where former Ph.D students present their current professional situations, what’s life like after grad’ school and how did they reach that point. This time, we invited GT alumnus Dr. Matthew Conrad.
Matthew is a former member of the Graphene group here at Tech, who used to work with Ed Conrad and he is now a R&D scientist in the materials department of Wolfspeed, a Cree Company, specialized in the manufacturing of more efficient power and wireless devices. Matthew described how his use of neural networks and AI to help his work to dislocation counting in materials.
About Wolfspeed: Wolfspeed is a manufacturing company specialized in wide bandgap semiconductors. Their products use silicon carbide (Sic) and gallium nitride (GaN) power devices. Their clients cover a wide range of multiple markets including military and aerospace, communications and industrial applications.